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ELC-27th Day

Grammar Part: Topic - Adverbs-Part-Two
General Part: Forms of Verbs, Antonyms, One Word Substitutes, General Vocabulary and Short Sentences


Formation of Adverbs

By adding 'ly'

i) To Nouns : hour-hourly, day-daily, week-weekly, month-monthly, year-yearly. ii) To Adjectives: kind-kindly, bad-badly, gentle-gently, wise-wisely, slow-slowly. iii)To Participles: knowing-knowingly, loving-lovingly, charming-charmingly, interesting-interestingly.

व्याकरण में वर्तनी के कुछ नियम हैं, जिन्हें विशेषण में '-ly' जोड़ने से पहले हमें याद रखना चाहिए। There are certain spelling rules in grammar which we need to remember before adding the '-ly' to an adjective.
आमतौर पर विशेषण में '-ly' जोड़कर Adverbs of Manner बनाए जाते हैं। Adverbs of Manner are formed usually by adding '-ly' to the adjective.
i.e. quick - quickly , careful- carefully, quiet- quietly, loud- loudly, sudden- suddenly, calm-calmly, kind- kindly
जब एक विशेषण दोहरे 'll' में समाप्त होता है, तो हम विशेषण के अंत में एक विशेषण में बदलने के लिए 'y' जोड़ते हैं। When an adjective ends in double 'll' then we simply add a 'y' at the end of the adjective to convert it to an adverb.
i.e. full - fully, dull - dully.
जब कोई विशेषण 'y' में समाप्त होता है तो हम 'y' को 'ly' से बदल देते हैं। When an adjective ends in a 'y' then we replace the 'y' with 'ly'.
i.e. easy - easily, happy - happily, busy - busily. Exception- shy - shyly.
जब कोई विशेषण '-ue' में समाप्त होता है, तब 'e' को 'ly' से बदलकर 'uly' बना दिया जाता है When an adjective ends in '-ue' then the 'e' is replaced by 'ly' making it 'uly'
i.e. true - truly, due - duly
जब कोई विशेषण 'le' में समाप्त होता है, तो 'e' को बदलकर 'y' बना दिया जाता है। When an adjective ends in 'le', then the 'e' is changed to 'y' making it 'ly'.
i.e. whole - wholly, humble - humbly. Exception: sole - solely
जब कोई विशेषण 'ic' के साथ समाप्त होता है तो 'al' को उसके बाद 'ly' के बाद जोड़ा जाता है। When an adjective ends with 'ic' then 'al' is added after it followed by 'ly'.
i.e. specific - specifically, basic - basically, tragic - tragically
यदि कोई विशेषण '-ly' के साथ समाप्त होता है, तो हम वाक्यांश का उपयोग 'in a .....way' करते हैं। If an adjective ends with '-ly', then we use the phrase ' in a …...way' to express adverb of manner.
i.e. in a brotherly way, in a friedly way, in a motherly way, etc.
कुछ adverb और adjective का एक ही रूप होता है, जब हम किसी adjective को adverb में बदलते हैं तो शब्द समान रहता है हालांकि अर्थ बदल जाता है। Some adverb and adjectives have the same form, meaning when we convert an adjective into an adverb the word remains same although the meaning changes.
i.e. clean, clear, late, fast, half, straight, low, just etc. See the examples below:
शोभा का घर साफ है। (adjective) Shobha's house is clean.(adjective)
वह घर को साफ रखना चाहती है। (adverb) She wants to keep the house clean. (adverb)

By adding a Preposition

i) To Nouns: a+head = ahead, abed, be+side = beside, to+day = today, in+deed = indeed. ii)To Adjectives: a+long = along, across, below, between iii)To Adverbs: here+with = herewith, therewith, thereby, henceforth, thereafter

By combining a noun and an adjective

otherwise, midway, meantime, sometimes.

Number Adverbs

one-once, twice, thrice, fourth, fifth, tenth.

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