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ELC-46th Day

Direct-Indirect Speech - Simple Sentences

हम Direct Speech के Comma (,) और Inverted Commas (“…”) को हटाते हैं और Indirect Speech में दोनों भागों को जोड़ने के लिए एक उचित Conjunction शब्द लगाते हैं। We remove Comma (,) and Inverted Commas (“…”) of Direct Speech and put a proper Conjunction word to join both the parts in Indirect Speech.
सरल वाक्यों में, हम Indirect Speech में बदलने के लिए Comma (,) and Inverted Commas (“…”) के स्थान पर Conjunction शब्द 'that' का प्रयोग करते हैं। In simple sentences, we use the Conjunction word 'that' in place of Comma (,) and Inverted Commas ("…") to change Indirect Speech.

Rule No. 3

Indirect Speech बनाने के लिए Reported Speech के सर्वनाम बदले जाते हैं। हम 'SON-123' नामक नियम के अनुसार सर्वनाम बदलते हैं। चलो पहले 'SON-123) के पूर्ण रूप को समझें।

The Pronouns of Reported Speech are changed for making Indirect Speech. We change the Pronouns according to a Rule called 'SON-123'. Let's first understand the full form of 'SON-123).

Rule 123/SON stands for:
123 1 = 1st Person
(I, my, me, we, our, us)
2 = 2nd Person
(You, your, yours)
3 = 3rd Person
(He, she, it, they, his, him, her, their, them)
SON S = Subject O = Object N = No change

Rule - SON-123

Person of Pronoun in Reported Speech SON-Rule
(1=S, 2=O, 3=N)
Change in the Person of the Pronoun in Indirect Speech
यदि Reporting Speech का सर्वनाम 1st Person हैं S (1st Person = Subject) Indirect Speech में सर्वनाम का Person Reporting Verb के सब्जेक्ट के अनुसार बदलें
If Person of Pronoun of Reported Speech is the 1st person Change the Person of the Pronoun as per Reporting Verb's Subject
यदि Reporting Speech का सर्वनाम 2nd Person हैं O (2nd Person = Object) Indirect Speech में सर्वनाम का Person Reporting Verb के ऑब्जेक्ट के अनुसार बदलें
If Person of Pronoun of Reported Speech is the 2nd person Change the Person of the Pronoun as per Reporting Verb's Object
यदि Reporting Speech का सर्वनाम 3rd Person हैं N (3rd Person = No Change) सर्वनाम में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं है।
If Person of Pronoun of Reported Speech is the 3rd person There is No Change in the Pronoun.

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