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The Noun - संज्ञा

Rules of Changing Masculine Noun to Feminine Noun

1. पुर्ल्लिंग से स्त्रीलिंग में परिवर्तित करने के लिये 'ess' इस ढंग से जोड़ा जाता है - (i) कुछ Noun में सीधे शब्द के साथ 'ess' जोड़ना जैसे Heir-Heiress (ii) कुछ Noun में आखिरी consonant से पहले vowel को हटा कर 'ess' जोड़ना जैसे Actor-Actress (iii) कुछ Noun शब्द में कुछ परिवर्तन करके 'ess' जोड़ना जैसे God-Goddess.

For changing Masculine Noun to Feminine Noun, 'ess' is added in the manner - (i) Directly adding 'ess' with few nouns, e.g. Heir-Heiress (ii) Removing vowel preceding to last consonant and adding 'ess' with few nouns, e.g. Actor-Actress (iii) Changing in words and adding 'ess' with few nouns, e.g. God-Goddess.

2. स्त्रीलिंग बनाने के लिये hyphen युक्त Noun शब्द के पहले या दूसरे शब्द को बदलना जैसे Land-lord - Land-lady, He-goat - She-goat, Grand-son - Grand-daughter.

Changing first or second words of Hyphenated nouns to make Feminine Noun, e.g. Land-lord - Land-lady, He-goat - She-goat, Grand-son - Grand-daughter.

3. बाकि nouns का स्त्रीलिंग में परिवर्तित करने का कोई निश्चित नियम नही है जैसे : Boy-Girl, Horse-Mare, Dog-Bitch.

Remaining nouns have no firm rule to change to Feminine, e.g. Boy-Girl, Horse-Mare, Dog-Bitch.

List of Gender Noun

We have compiled a List of Masculine Noun and Feminine Noun. Please go through the List for better understanding.

The Noun : Number

Singular and Plural Noun

Singular Noun एक व्यक्ति या चीज को संदर्भित करता है, उदा. cat, dog, boy, girl, gift, car. The Singular Noun refers to one person or thing, e.g. cat, dog, boy, girl, gift, car.
Plural Noun एक से अधिक व्यक्ति या चीज़ को संदर्भित करती है, उदा. boys, girls, speakers, people, players. The Plural Noun refers to more than one person or thing, e.g. boys, girls, speakers, people, players.
Regular Noun का अर्थ है वह संज्ञा जो अंत में 's / es' जोड़कर बहुवचन बन जाती है। The Regular Noun means a noun that becomes plural by adding 's/es' at the end.
Irregular Noun का अर्थ है वह संज्ञा जो 'एस / एस' जोड़ने के बजाय अन्य तरीकों से वर्तनी में बदलाव करके बहुवचन बनती है। An Irregular Noun means a noun that becomes plural by changing the spelling in other ways than adding 's/es' with it.

Rules for making Plural Nouns of Regular Nouns:

Last letter of Noun Add 's or es' with Noun Examples
ch, s, x or s sound es Watch-watches, Bus-buses, boss-bosses, Fax-faxes
f or fe ves Wife-wives, knife-knives, leaf-leaves, life-lives
y (when second last letter is a consonant) ies Study-studies, city-cities, penny-pennies, spy-spies
y (when second last letter is a vowel) s Day-days, key-keys, toy-toys, spray-sprays
o (there is no firm rule) es Tomato-tomatoes, hero-heroes, buffalo-buffaloes, mosquito-mosquitoes
o (there is no firm rule) s Auto-autos, studio-studios, photo-photos, kilo-kilos
o (there is no firm rule) s or es Tornado-tornados/tornadoes, cargo-cargos/cargoes
most of the nouns s Bottle-bottles, prize-prizes, speaker-speakers, rat-rats
Compound Nouns ('s' is added to principal word s Courts-of-law, men-of-war, commanders-in-chief, sons-in-law

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