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ELC-44th Day

Passive Voice of W-Family Sentence

Let's take examples:

Step-1 Write the W-Family sentence. What did he tell?
Step-2 Write the sentence after removing the W-family word. Did he tell?
Step-3 Identify the Tense of the above Sentence Past Indefinite Tense - Interrogative
Step-4 Write down the Rule of making the above Tense to Passive Voice Was/Were + Convert Object to Subject + Verb (3rd form) + By + Convert Subject to Object + Remaining + (?)
Step-5 W-family word' comes in the beginning of a sentence. Write 'XXX' in place of 'W-family word' and make Passive Voice as a normal sentence as per above-mentioned Rule. 'XXX' was told by him?
Step-6 Now remove 'XXX' and write the 'W-family word'. What was told by him?

Step-1 Write the W-Family sentence. Which book do you want?
Step-2 Write the sentence after removing the W-family word. ____Book do you want?
Step-3 Identify the Tense of the above Sentence Present Indefinite Tense - Interrogative
Step-4 Write down the Rule of making the above Tense to Passive Voice Is/Are/Am + Convert Object to Subject + Verb (3rd form) + By + Convert Subject to Object + Remaining + (?)
Step-5 W-family word' comes in the beginning of a sentence. Write 'XXX' in place of 'W-family word' and make Passive Voice as a normal sentence as per above-mentioned Rule. 'XXX' book is wanted by you?
Step-6 Now remove 'XXX' and write the 'W-family word'. Which book is wanted by you?

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