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Multiple Choice Quiz : Let and Make

Please tick the correct answer and click on the "CheckAnswer" button (given below) to see your result. If the ticked answer is correct, the colour of the answer will become GREEN. If the ticked answer is incorrect, the colour will turn RED, and the colour of the correct answer will change to a PURPLE colour.

कृपया सही उत्तर पर टिक करें और अपना परिणाम देखने के लिए "CheckAnswer" बटन (नीचे दिया गया है) पर क्लिक करें। यदि टिक किया उत्तर सही है, तो उत्तर का रंग GREEN हो जाएगा। यदि टिक किया उत्तर गलत है, तो रंग RED हो जाएगा, और सही उत्तर का रंग PURPLE रंग में बदल जाएगा।


Q11 -______ not cram. _____ teach ourselves _____ each topic thoroughly.

:Let us, Let's, understand
:Lets, Let's, to understand
:Let us, Let's, to understand
:Let us, Lets, understand

Q12 -______ behind the line please. ____ others also ______ by the rules.

:Stand, Make, to abide
:Stands, Make, to abide
:Stand, Make, abide
:Stand, Makes, abide

Q13 -_____ the lead and _____ others follow you.

:Take, make
:Took, make
:Taken, made
:Take, made

Q14 -_____ decorate the house. ______ your brothers______ in the decoration.

:Lets, Make, to help
:Let's, Make, to help
:Let's, Make, help
:Lets, Make, help

Q15 -_____ him take a shower first. _____ him_____use good shampoo.

:Lets, Made, use
:Let, Make, to use
:Let's, Make, to use
:Let, Make, use


Q16 -Which sentence is correct?

:When you make him sit, please inform?
:When you made him sit, please inform?
:When you make him to sit, please inform?
:When you makes him sit, please inform?

Q17 -Which sentence is correct?

:Let us unite and make the management grant him permission.
:Let us unite and make the management to grant him permission.
:Let us united and make the management to grant him permission.
:Lets unite and make the management grant him permission.

Q18 -Which sentence is correct?

:Let each of them decide for himself.
:Let each of them to decide for himself.
:Lets each of them to decide for himself.
:Let each of them to decide themselves.

Q19 -Which sentence is correct?

:Make sure the house is properly lock before you leave.
:Make sure the house is properly locked before you leaving.
:Make sure the house is properly locked before you leave.
:Made sure the house is properly locked before you leave.

Q20 -Which sentence is correct?

:I will made you answer for the ficticious stories you made.
:I will make you answer for the ficticious stories you made.
:I will make you to answer for the ficticious stories you made.
:I will make you answered for the ficticious stories you made.

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